Our typefaces help convey our messaging and have unique roles to play in helping to express and legibly demonstrate communications. Each typeface is selected for a purpose and it is important that various rules are used for consistency and ease of reading.
Our brand uses three key fonts (all supplied by Google Fonts). These fonts have been chosen for specific uses which keep communications vibrant and consistent.
Primary font
PT Serif Regular
PT Serif Regular has great character when used with lots of space around it to help the elements breathe.
This font has a real conversational feel and can be used with confidence. We can highlight text in a number of ways.
A friendly, clean and easy-to-read font for body copy, Lato Regular should be used for bulk text, and Lato Bold for copy titles. Lato Bold should also be used for button text.
Used for labels, and labelling sections - and should always be in uppercase. Because always uppercase, labels should be short for easy readability, and the font should always be used small so labels don’t overpower the headline font.
Here’s an example of how the three font styles work together as a set.
Hero headline clear space
Our headline font should always stand out. So make sure you give it space to breathe and be expressive – a large clear space around it will do the trick.
Small headline clear space
Our headline font should always stand out (even when it’s small). So make sure you give it the large, clear space around it that it needs to do that.
Headline Highlights
Ideal scenarios
To add to our collaborative tone (and to help highlight parts of text) we can use the two primary blues to create a hierarchy to the text. The examples below showcase scenarios in which to apply this hierarchy for impactful results.